Tuesday, August 26, 2008


On August 18, 2008 Thyda and I celebrated my 27th birthday by going to a romantic dinner at Orange Hill Restaurant. The food and wine was great, the view was breath-taking, but nothing better than spending time with most awesome girlfriend in the world, who later that night became my fiance. So here is how the date went according to Thyda's exact words which can be found on her blog titled "The Proposal".

"So for a few weeks now, you've seen that I've made an entry saying that I am engaged traditionally. What that meant to me was that Sam and his parents have asked MY parents for my hand in marriage. Sam knew that this was something that had to be done before HE can ask ME for MY hand in marriage. That whole process was a bit crazy and scary to me... but it happened and it turned out pretty well for all of us. But even so, it wasn't really OFFICIAL official to me just yet until the actual proposal. My motto? "It don't mean a thing 'til I get the bling!" HAHA... jk! :) Yes, I expected a ring and a proposal. I was a bit disappointed because I thought that the whole thing wouldn't even be a surprise. But really, it was the ultimate surprise for me. Sam did a good job! ;) I've been told that Sam was planning to propose during our trip to Maui. Since ATA went out of business, that trip didn't work out and we had a replacement little trip to Lake Havasu, AZ with our friends instead. A few people suggested that this was where and when he was going to propose. I believed them for awhile... but as the time got closer, not so much. Sam knew how to throw me off. Even a few days before the trip, he still asked me which ring I wanted. I got a bit frustrated because I would think that he would have figured this out by now since the proposal is only a few days away! Ugh! Anyway... I gave him a hard time and I often told him that he was "all talk"! (haha) The Havasu trip was with our friends who were all either married, engaged, or are getting close, so the topic of engagements and marriages came up often. Some of them asked me, "so did he propose yet?". I told them NO because... well... he didn't! I also told them that its not going to happen anytime soon because Sam doesn't even have a ring yet... he still questions what ring I want! BLAH! On our way home from Havasu, we stopped in Barstow. Sam and I even went into a freakin' jewelry store! This made me realize... "nope... he doesn't even have a ring yet." :( Again, I was pretty disappointed. Booo! Yesterday, August 18th, was his birthday. We went out to lunch with some friends... and then finished it off at Yogurtland (of course)! We were going to see a movie, but changed our minds. Went home and I took a nap. I woke up and wanted to go do something. Sam took FOREVER to finally agree to leave the house with me. I was getting pisst off... I even changed into my PJs at 4pm to show him that I was annoyed and frustrated and just ready to go to bed! LOL! He asked me nicely to change back into the dress I had on earlier... and since I wanted to go out, of course I did! HAHA! We got into the car and I asked him where we were going and he said he doesn't know. What a punk! He just had me enter this address into his navigator thingy... and I did. I had no idea where or what it was... but I knew that it was in Orange and it was about 40 minutes away. Finally, we arrived at Orange Hill... and that was our destination. He had the valet guy hold on while he changed his shirt. WTF!?! I didn't know it was that nice... or else I would have dressed up more for the occasion. He wore the shirt that I bought him... in which I requested that he proposes to me in! LOL! Okay... I was just joking when I asked him to wear the shirt when he proposes just to give me a heads up... and when I asked him, he said that it was the only nice clean shirt he had available... and I believed him. Again, I knew that there was no ring in the picture since we were just at a jewelry store together the day before and there was no way he could have gotten the ring by then since I was with him the whole time. Blah. Anyway... we got in and apparently, he had already made a reservation... over a week ago! This punk had this planned! It was a BEAUTIFUL restaurant that sat on top of a hill and outlooked all of Orange County and Catalina Island. Candlelights and all... and the sun was just about to set right next to us. We had a really nice dinner accompanied by a bottle of my favorite wine... Riesling. We finished right in time for us to take some pictures of the sun setting outside on the balcony. Beautiful! Sam said that since we were already there... we might as well check out Laguna Beach. The sun had already set and it was already getting dark... and I told Sam that we didn't have to go. He insisted. We finally found the perfect place to park... and walked down the stairs down to the beach. Beautiful, Beautiful! The water was beautiful and the stars were bright from where we were. He also had a little rug and a little blanket he went and got from the house right before we left earlier that evening for me. We found a lit area and settled there... right in front of the waves. The stars were so bright, and I made a wish upon the brightest one I found. I told Sam to find one and make a wish too... and he said he made a wish on the second brightest star. Then after taking a few pictures, we walked out to the edge of the water and stood on this huge rock... where he just held me and whispered to me how much he loved me. I wished him a happy birthday again and gave him a kiss. Then he slowly said, "since its my birthday and all... can you help me make one of my wishes come true?". He lowered himself and got down on one knee and I was shocked... AND confused! He pulled out a ring box from his pocket and showed it to me, and asked me to marry him. It was so unreal and I really thought that I was dreaming! I made him get up and saw the tears in his eyes... and told him, "Of course I will marry you!" And we hugged and kissed there where he proposed for the best several minutes of my life thus far. It was the perfect proposal and I couldn't have asked for a more wonderful love in my life. Oh... and DAMN I love my ring! Its perfect... even for my big ass hands! Hehehe!"

What can I say?!...She granted my wish and it was the best birthday I've ever had. I know you're reading this...I Love You Babe! Here are a few pictures I took that day/night. Thanks again for dropping by. Enjoy!

The Beautiful view of the sunset

My Birthday cake with wine...
Want some cake, Babe?!...
Opportunity to catch the sunset

Where "It" Happened...
The Ring


Paline said...

So romantic, so meant to be! You guys are so great together and make an amazing couple. Just make sure your kids don't hit my kids or hit on my kids. Haha...Love you guys.

Nara said...

Triple congratulations Sam!... for birthday, engagement and the photography.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on all three things BROs! I can't wait to enjoy that wedding.

Nara said...

more updates please! heheh

SIMagination Photography said...

Thank you all. I can't wait to see you all at our wedding.

Anonymous said...

Hey sam! Just dropping by to see your work! and its awesome!!! loving your pictures!!! i already told thyda but congrats on the engagement! we had our wedding anniversary dinner there too in july! love that place! hope all is well! keep up the awesome work!

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