Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Thyda's Circus show

The main reason for my trip to Seattle was to spend time with Thyda and her family working on some wedding preparation. One afternoon, we were over at her brother's house, which is an old house that they used to live and grow up in. We found an old unicycle left in the shack in the backyard, and it was the first time I got to see Thyda ride. Though the unicycle was too short and the tire was flat, she managed to show off her told skills. The kids weren't so amused, but told her that she needed a lot of practice. I also got a few shots of her niece and nephews playing... and eating! Good times!


Paline said...

Haha...Thyda's so cute on the unicycle! Some of the pictures are really classic and rustic...they look like they were taken decades ago. Good job with the contrast and colors.

Thyda said...

LOL... good times! I had so much fun! Next time, I want balls to juggle and a big red sponge nose. Maybe a rainbow wig! What do you say? :D

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed,Thyda. I knew you had other talents that you're not sharing. LOL.

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